Thursday, January 10, 2008

Should there be a age for sexual consent?

Many people might say that there should be an age limit for sexual consent, and I agree. There should be a age limit for sexual consent; just like how you have to be a curtain height to get on a specific ride at an amusement park. I have three reasons why I think this. My first reason is because, it can put you in danger. My second reason you could get pregnant. My third reason is it could interfere with school.

If there wasn't an age limit for sexual consent, then that is put your life in danger. There are many ways how this is putting your life in danger. For example, if there is a 25 year old male, and a 16 year old female, and the 25 year old male has a deadly sexually transmitted disease, and he doesn't tell the 16 year old female. You would would of just thrown away half of your life or less than half of your life. Another reason could be you might be in a situation where your lover might try and take advantage of you. For example, he/she might want to have sexual relations with you, but you don't feel like it at the time, and instead of just letting it go, he/she will decide to make have sex with them; rape you.

Which brings me to my second reason, getting pregnant. If you're having sexual relations with someone much older, and you take the time to trust them, they might take your trust for them for granted. By this I mean they might try and pursue you in to having sex without using a condom. Next thing you know, you have skipped a period. Which then means that there's a possibility of you being pregnant. When it comes down to this you only have three choices. Your first choice being to get an abortion. Your third choice being to keep it, and your second choice is giving your baby up for adoption. These three choices are very hard decisions to make. That why you would be better of by either being celibate or just waiting to have sex until you get to a responsible enough age that you know how serious the consequences are.

My last and final reason is that not having a an age limit for sexual consent can interfere with school. This situation can interfere with school in several ways, but one way is having to drop out. When you end up having to drop out of school, it will be because you're a teen parent struggling to make it in life. Life already isn't fare, why make it more difficult? Teen pregnancy only holds you back and keeps you from doing things that average teenagers do everyday. For example, getting an education, going to the movies, hanging out with your friends, etc. If you children at a young age, then it will be you who is missing out on a once in a life time chance.

In conclusion, no one should have to go through this phase in life, but unfortunately they do. If you learn from other's mistakes then you won't have to learn from your own. So what if you didn't plan on going to college, two wrongs don't make a right(not going to college and having a baby still doesn't make a difference).

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