Sunday, October 28, 2007

Graduate of Class 2011

In this following essay, in includes vioce, introduction and conclusion. It lets you know that I mean what I'm saying.

In three years, I don't want to be an unsuccessful teen going nowhere with my life. That's why I know that I'm going to be a graduate from class 2011. Three reasons are, I have support, second, school keeps me out of trouble, and third, I am going to fight to get to where I want to be. There are numerous people in my life who supports me in many ways. Three of them would be, my mother, my aunt, and one of my bestfriends.
First off, three main people that support me are my mom, my aunt, and one of my bestfriends. My mom supports me in all different ways. She shows me and tells me that she believs in me. Also, she helps me move further in life. For example, my mom helps me study for test. She believes in me even when I don't believe in myself. If I don't understand something, she'll explain it to me until I do. When I get frustrated with school, she's always there to help release my stress. Furthermore, my mom is my rock. I don't know what I would do without her. My aunt is another person who helps me keep my head on straight. She always pushes me to move forward with what ever it is that I am doing. Furthermore, she's never telling me when I can't do something. Her and my mom together, both biuld up my strength. They are both my rock, because without the both of them, I would fall apart. Another person who helps me is one of my bestfriends. He as well supports me in many ways. He lets me know that I can call him if I ever need help with homework or anything else. For example, if I don't understand a homework problem, he'll patiently explain it to me until I get it.
Another reason why I know that I'm going to graduate is because instead of woundering the streets, I'm in school lerning, and that's what keeps me out of trouble. School keeps me out of trouble for two good reasons. My first reason is that it teaches me new things. Second, it gives me work to complete. When my teacher teaches me new things, thats is what helps me to be more concerned on the topic that was tought to me instead of me trying to see what's goig on outside. Two different new things that I have learned about are the Nth Term in Algebra. Also, I have learned about many different philosophers in Social Studies. For example, Hobbes and Lock. There for, my teachers give me work to complete at home about the things that I have learned in school.
Futhermore, I am going to fight to get to where I want to be. What I mean by this is that I'm going to try and complete all of my work, get good grades, graduate from school, get a good job, and get a nice car. I am going to focus on all of my work so that I can get to where I want to be. Which means handing in all of my work on time, getting atleast a B or higher on tests/exams/quizes, and complete all of my classwork and homework.
In conclusion, three years from now I know that I'm going to be a successful high school graduate, because I am going to be attended into a great college.

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