Wednesday, November 26, 2008

8th Annotation

Movie: "And The Band Played On":

The story of the discovery of the AIDS epidemic and the political infighting of the scientific community hampering the early fight with it. "From the early days in 1978 when numerous San Francisco gays began dying from unknown causes, to the identification of the HIV virus"(Ryan Thompson:

7th Annotation

Movie: Life Support:

The true-life story of a mother with aids who overcame an addiction to crack and became a positive role model and a AIDS activist in the black community.

6th Annotation

Inspiring Stories, HIV Medications, African-American HIV/AIDS Resource Center, Resource Center for HIV Treatment Veterans.
HIV/AIDS medications include, Agenerase, Aptivus, Prezista, Rescriptor, Atripla, Retrovir etc.

5th Annotation

"This website tells you what HIV/AIDS is, What actions put you at risk for contracting HIV, How do you prevent yourself from contracting or transmitting HIV, how it's transmitted etc. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. HIV uses healthy white blood cells to replicate itself, breaking down the immune system and leaving the body more susceptible to illness. HIV/AIDS is transmitted by Blood Semen (including pre-cum), Vaginal secretions, Breast milk, all types of sex, sharing needles, Blood transfusion, Donor Products, Job Injury etc. "

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Denzel Washington or Cuba Gooding Jr.?

James, Lavuaghn, Shanté, Jessie, and Ms. Melville opinionated that Denzel Washington is a better actor than Cuba Gooding Jr. for multiple reasons. James stated, "He does more action". Lavaughn replied, "appeared in more movies". Shanté emphasized, "He is a action perfectionist and he's a better actor". Jessie responded, "he's a better actor". Ms. Melville opinionated, "he has a wider expansion on a different variety of roles". In conclusion, all five of these people think Denzel Washington is a better actor for mainly the same reasons.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fourth Annotation Ryan White:

This site tell you what type of person Ryan was. Also he inspired others who also have HIV/AIDS. The site recommends two books about Ryan and his thoughts. The book are Heroes Against AIDS, and Ryan White my own Story.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ryan White Rough Draft

Ryan White

Who is Ryan White? Ryan White was a young, well known, and intelligent individual. Ryan was born on December 6, 1971 with hemopheliac. Years went by after getting the treatment by the name of factorate, which then caused him to contract HIV/AIDs.

Ryan contract HIV in 1984, through blood-bassed products used to treat his hemopheliac. He learned that he had the virus when it was discovered that Ryan had contract a life-threatening lung infection. At first, Ryan was told that he had no more than six months to live. In the process of recuperating and thinking of the time he had left, Ryan confronted his mother with the thought that he wanted to live a normal life style; going to school, be with friends, and day-to-day activities. Unfortunately, for Ryan, his school and community wouldn’t accept. The local superintendent refused to allow Ryan to attend school. Ryan and his family wouldn’t take no for an answer, but he was still forced to “attend” school by telephone for several months while his case made its way through an administrative appeals process. Once the state board came to the conclusion that Ryan should be allowed to attend school, a group of parents sued to keep him out. The courts
ultimately ruled in Ryan’s favor, and so he did return to school.

Sadly, Ryan was met with taunts and unfounded rumors and some students chose to be home-schooled rather than attend the same school with Ryan. Ryan beared the brunt of storm with tremendous patience and grace, demonizing the people who sought to demonize him. However, the family ended up with the decision of moving to another community. According to Ryan, the family chose to do this because they felt it was their “desire to move into a bigger house, in order to avoid the life style of AIDs. Also, they wanted to be accepted by a community and school.” The family moved to Cicero, Indiana, where Ryan enrolled to his new school, Hamilton Heights, and was welcomed with opened arms. The pupils at the school took it upon themselves to learn and teach their parents and teachers about AIDs. Because of all the love that the students and teachers showed towards Ryan and his family, he was able to participate in day-to-day activities like he wished.

Between the times of his diagnosis in 1984 and his death in 1990, Ryan appeared on multiple television shows and magazine covers, and made a documentary about his life. He became friends with nation-wide known athletes and entertainers. Elton John, Greg Luoganis, and Michael Jackson let it be known to the White family that they were there to give all of their support. Ryan would speak out often and articulately about the challenges he faced and how people with HIV and AIDs needed to be shown some consideration.

On August 18, 1990, Congress passed a Public Law, the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDs Resource Emergency (CARE) Act. The Ryan White CARE Act supports the development of system s of care that are responsive to geographical needs and resources. The Ryan White CARE Act is a federal program that funds services for over 500,000 people with HIV/AIDs each year. The CARE Act is named in honor of Ryan White, and Indiana teenager who struggles everyday to make a difference.

Ryan White

Sameerah Pittmon